Friday, September 26, 2008

A bit of catch up

I've discovered that I have a very strange complex. I shot daily, but I never upload my images. Occasionally, I'll take a CF card out of my pack and notice that it has images on it from 5 months ago. I justify this by stating that it's a mechanism of self defence. I know that most of the images that I take are bad, and the only way that I can make myself feel better is by imagining that they're better than they are, and never viewing the real image.
This problem, as you can guess, has really hindered the progress of this site.
From today on, I will try to forgo excusses and attempt to make something of my life.
(This mantra seems like a bit of a leep from "I've been lazy and haven't uploaded anything," but over generalizing can't hurt too much... ask George Washington)

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1 comment:

Patterson Patterson said...

abstract art!
i like two of them hells of much:
the shadows one i like for obvious reasons; the water droplets i like for the magnifications and contrast between unfocus and extreme focus.
holy hells yes.